So you’ve probably seen the commercials by now of the people in line at a cafeteria, dancing and twirling around, paying for their food with credit cards and quickly moving on. That is until some one decides to pay with the dreaded CASH and the whole party comes screeching to a halt.
I don’t know about you, but for me paying with a credit card has never been faster than paying with cash. It’d be nice if you could just swipe and move on but it’s never that simple. You always have to wait for it to authorize and for a receipt to print first. Fortunately you don’t have to sign the receipt at most fast food joints any more, but it’s still not faster. I think it could be though.
The reason it takes so long is because the vast majority of the credit card terminals use a modem to connect to the processing gateway, and as I’m sure many of you remember it takes a while to make that connection and send the data. So why not get with the year 2000 and send the data over an always on high speed Internet connection? You’ll more than make up for the extra $20 a month it costs over a regular phone line in labor savings and happy customers.
Not secure you say? Not true. Credit card numbers are safely transmitted over the Internet all the time using SSL encryption. With these dedicated machines you can take it a step further and establish a VPN (virtual private network) making the transactions quite secure and instant!
Oh yeah, and quit giving me the second receipt for the credit card transaction, the first one for the actual food total is sufficient. Also do away with the separate machine for processing the transactions buy a register with it integrated. With these few changes maybe we could all just swipe and go like the commercials suggest.
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